Ellie's Journey Healing Her Gut

Ellie's Journey Healing Her Gut

Actress and Model, Ellie Gonsalves, speaks about her Gut Health journey, and the results she has seen alongside a naturopath & KAILO's Feel Well.

Read more below:

"Due to stress 2 years ago, my gut looked like this ↑ and this was the main thing that helped eradicate my bloating and gut problems…

My gut was inflamed so I had chronic bloating (felt like my stomach was going to 💣) and had the worst brain fog. It also started to effect my hormones which lead to painful periods, water retention, sore boobs, my body started having intolerances to certain foods and I was even getting cystic pimples on my neck. It was starting to effect so many areas of my life.

I had to figure out what was going on; my whole life I’ve been so healthy and never had any issues - so after doing every medical test possible with no answer, I finally did a gut microba test which lead to my diagnosis and my naturopath gave me clarity on what the problem was.

After finding out it was a pretty common gut issue caused by stress, I had to repair my gut. So I was instructed to follow a FODMAP diet and was introduced to the ‘Feel Well’ KAILO morning supplement which I started taking everyday to support my gut microbiome, reduce inflammation, improve my digestion & maintain the integrity of my gut lining.

Doing this not only helped eradicate my inflammation with my gut but it also helped fix all of those side effects with my energy, bloating, hormones and skin through the collagen based super blend of collagen peptides, Magnesium Glycinate, L-Glutamine, Probiotics, Aloe Vera & Chamomile."


Click here to discover more about Feel Well - KAILO's refreshing morning supplement for Gut Health. 

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